Report Ranks Malawi Poor on Governance

Report Ranks Malawi Poor on Governance

The 2020 Ibrahim Index of African Governance report has placed Malawi among the 13 African countries after scoring poorly on corruption, human rights, and inclusion and equality among others.

The 2019 assessment African average score for overall governance falls by -0.2 points below that of 2018, registering the first year-on-year score deterioration since 2010.

The report has Malawi is placed on position 23 down from 19 in 2018, indicates that the country has between 2010 and 2019 registered a deteriorating trend in governance of -1.3points scoring 51.5 percent from 55.8percent in 2018.

It said over 2015-2019, performance slackened in both human development and foundations for economic opportunity, while deterioration continued in both security & rule of law and participation, rights & inclusion, even worsening for the latter.

The report further notes that progress achieved over the last decade has mainly been driven by improvements in economic opportunities and human development.

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