Presidential task-force disapproves teachers’ PPEs allowances
Parliamentary committee on education has told Teachers Union of Malawi TUM that presidential task-force on covid-19 did not approve that teachers should be provided with appropriate personal protective equipments PPEs in cash
Chairperson of the committee Brainex Kaise says the task-force advised them that it cannot support the two resolutions which were agreed during a meeting with leaders of TUM and officials of Ministry of education
The resolutions were that of providing the cash package as once off payment to cover three months and forward them to the task-force on covid-19 for their review and approval
Meanwhile, TUM President Willie Malimba says will resume a stay away strike after 7 days
“”We wish to warn government that once the stay away resumes it shall be called off after all public primary and secondary school teachers plus TTC lecturers have been provided with the appropriate PPEs in cash-costed package as a once off payment covering three months,” Malimba
Initially the Union demanded government to give them covid-19 risk allowances but during their meeting on 8th March they agreed of the PPE’s cash package