Government assures Shoprite, PTC employees of compensation
Government has assured employees of Shoprite and PTC who will be laid off that they will be receive their dues
Ministers of finance Sosten Gwengwe and labour Vera Kamtukule have made the assurance in the national assembly when they were responding to questions on reports of the impending closure of all Shoprite branches in Malawi and the selling of PTC to Tafika Holdings Limited
Chairperson of chairperson of public accounts committee in parliament Mark Botomani moved a motion on the closure of shprite saying it has brought tension among Malawians
In her response Minister of labour confirmed that Shoprite is closing its Zomba branch only
“The closure of Shoprite branch in Zomba will result into the loss of jobs of 25 people,” Kamtukule
In his remarks minister of finance and economic planning Sosten Gwengwe said the closure of Shoprite Zomba branch is due to stiff competition hence making loses