Zomba Muslim Youth Association advocates Youth involvement in environmental conservation
Zomba Muslim Youth Association says is committed to advocate for Muslim youth involvement in environmental conservation in the district
Chairperson of the association Isaac Hajj said this in an interview with Radio Islam
Hajj said the association understands challenges communities are going through emanating from environmental degradation hence the move
He says as they venture into planting tree exercise for this year they will engage youths from respective areas so that they take a role of caring for the trees so that their survival is guaranteed.
Hajj said they are set to plant the tree seedlings which they planned to plant this year
He cited the destruction of Zomba Mountain as one of the environmental challenges being faced in the district
Hajj said this challenged prompted authorities to convene a three day stakeholders conference at Chawe to discuss the matter and find long lasting solutions
Therefore Zomba Muslim Youth Association is ready to deal with the challenge of destroying Zomba plateau by planting more trees among other programs.
Hajj said the group will continue with charity work on top of the environmental conservation activities