TEVETA Thanks MVTC for Training the Youth

Technical Entrepreneurship and vocational Training (TEVETA) has encouraged Maone Vocational Training Centre MVTC to continue providing technical knowledge to young people in the country.

TEVETA Regional Service centre for the south Mr. Mulanje Eliot has said this at MVTC during the graduation Ceremony of 52 students who have been trained in plumbing, bricklaying, as well as carpentry and joinery.

Eliot encouraged the graduates to be self-reliant by establishing their own businesses.

“I encourage all students graduating in different technical training centers across the country to be innovative and engage in entrepreneurship in order to develop the country,” said Eliot.

In his remakes’, principal for Maone Vocational Training Centre concurred with Eliot saying the students should not only think of getting jobs in industries but establishing theirs in a bid to employ others.

He said MVTC is planning to construct boarding facilities at the campus and establish another campus for the girls.

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