Supreme court rebuffs Mpinganjira application to stay judges bribery case
Supreme Court has rebuffed an application by Thom Mpinganjira to stay his attempted judge bribery case
In the ruling Judge Rezine Mzikamanda said had not seen a reason to grant the stay order
Mzikamanda has ordered that trial should proceed in the high court which has been prosecuting Mpinganjira
The accused is answering the charge of attempting to bribe five judges who presided over fresh presidential elections
High court judge Dorothy Degabriel found that Mpinganjira has a case to answer after scrutinizing submissions of lawyers of the state and defense
Meanwhile Defence has failed to parade final witness this afternoon
Lawyer for Mpinganjira Patrice Nkhono says the witness failed to show up for security reasons
Both state and defense are expected to make final submissions by 30th June and court will determine judgment from there