Stakeholders take to task Roads Authority on Roads Rehabilitation

Stakeholders take to task Roads Authority on Roads Rehabilitation

Participants to a stakeholder consultative meeting have taken to task Roads Authority (RA) on its failure to rehabilitate important roads, substandard work and delay in completion of the projects by some contractors


RA held the meeting aimed at gathering feedback on its 2025-2030 Strategic and Business Plan which outlines its mandate to provide a safe, efficient and sustainable road network


In his response, RA Chief Executive Officer, Engineer Ammiel Champiti said the Authority has plans to rehabilitate all crucial roads and all contractors who perform substandard work are penalised by deducting their funds among other measures.


Speaking at the meeting, RA Board Chairperson Dr. Matilda Matabwa stated that the Strategic and Business Plan is linked to key global, regional, and national policies


In her contribution, Speaker of Parliament Catherine Gotani Hara called on the authority to ensure that roads rehabilitated and maintained in the country are 100 percent complete.


Director of Roads in the Ministry of Transport and Public Works, Engineer Kelvin Mphonda, said that for RA’s new strategic plan to be fully implemented, it requires enough funding.

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