Parliament recommends government gives ADMARC AIP management
Parliamentary committee on agriculture has asked government to give ADMARC the management of Affordable Inputs Program AIP next season.
This follows the challenges that the program has been facing including network problems.
Speaking in an interview after a visit to Malangalanga ADMARC in Lilongwe chairperson for the committee Sameer Suleman, said 46 traders who were awarded contracts to sell the inputs are yet to import fertilizer into the country.
“The parastatal has all required infrastructure and security that is necessary in the management of AIP,” Suleman
When asked about the process of buying maize at ADMARC, Suleman said are satisfied with the way the exercise is running.
However he asked the cooperation to work on reducing congestion at its markets
Meanwhile, ADMARC has promised to open three more markets at Nsungwi, Lumbadzi and Nsanama to help ease congestion at Malangalanga site