Parliament recommends ESCOM-MAREP Coordination on Electricity Connection

Parliament recommends ESCOM-MAREP Coordination on Electricity Connection

Government assurance and public sector reforms committee of parliament has recommended ministry of energy to enhance coordination between ESCOM and MAREP to resolve all the delays in connecting to households

The committee also recommended to ESCOM to accelerate connection of households within 500 metres radius of transformers and

The committee has made the recommendations after observing many challenges in implementation of Malawi Rural Electrification program MAREP

Presenting a report of the committee in parliament its Chairperson Noel Lipipa said they observed delays in connecting households, discrepancies in connection fees and coordination issues between MAREP and ESCOM 

Lipipa said they engaged ESCOM to ensure the challenges are dealt with once and for all so that Malawi fully benefit from the program

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