MLW extends JIR Program to Community Radios

MLW extends JIR Program to Community Radios

Malawi Liverpool Welcome Program MLW has revealed plans to extend its Journalist in Resident JIR Program to community radios

This has been revealed during a graduation of JIR crew following a 2 year training

According to MLW the program which will run concurrently with the national JIR will start with Chikwawa where most of MLW research activities are happening

In an interview alongside the ceremony in Mulanje MLW head of policy unit Rhona Mijumbi said the program is designed to enrich journalists with science related knowledge for enhanced understanding and increased researcher-journalists interactions

Mijumbi believes that the program has been beneficial to the outgoing crew and expects improved science reporting

Speaking on behalf of her colleagues Britta Mpata described the journey as incredibly rewarding and transformative

While lauding MLW for the initiative Mpata has requested it for continued engagements in order to provide the masses with relevant and up to date science related information

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