MISA Malawi launches iVerify Malawi

MISA Malawi launches iVerify Malawi

MISA Malawi has launched iVerify Malawi Initiative which aims to counter fake news, misinformation and disinformation.

Speaking at the event, MISA Malawi Chairperson, Golden Matonga said iVerify Malawi allows the public to report suspicious news for verification, ensuring that only accurate and factual information circulates

Matonga told the gathering that as the nation prepares for voting and announcement of election results, misinformation is likely to be rampant with many false stories and damaging rumours that could threaten national peace and trust in electoral process

UNDP Resident Coordinator, Fenelia Frost said misinformation is dangerous, especially in an election year therefore IVerify Malawi will ensure factual information is shared, making it an essential tool for Malawi during this critical period.

She said iVerify Malawi platform will serve as a trusted fact-checking tool to help combat misinformation, prevent potential electoral violence, and maintain trust in the democratic process.

Minister of Information and Digitalisation, Moses Kunkuyu emphasised the dangers of misinformation, particularly as Malawi prepares for its upcoming elections.

He stressed that accurate information is crucial for national stability, urging the media and the public to be responsible in handling and sharing information.

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