Ministry of health redesigns neonatal illnesses strategy
In a bid to ensure survival and healthy wellbeing of neonatal and under five children, Ministry of health has redesigned the Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood illnesses MNCI approach.
Speaking during the official opening of a UNICEF sponsored media training on the strategy in Thyolo, programs officer for the ministry Humpreys Nsona said it is sad to note that Malawi is still struggling to reduce the figures of under five deaths as currently 63 in every 1000 children die every year.
Nsona also said 37 percent of the under five children are malnourished and Neno is leading with 45%.
He attributed the trend to lack of health resources, health information and diagnostic capacity among others.
Nsona said for the under five, treatment is a major challenge hence redesigning the strategy to focus on Treat, Prevent and promote TPP intervention rather than the usual Prevent, Promote and Treat PPT intervention.
“Only 6% of the health facilities have the capacity to conduct all basic diagnostic tests while only 38% have all the essential medicines hence failure to reach out to children with necessary treatment,” Nsona
The 2021-2026 agenda which is expected to be launched in June this year replaces the 2014 to 2020 agenda and aims to promote Sustainable Development Goal number 3 of ensuring good health as well as being by 2030.