Malawi court resumes prosecuting homosexuality case
Constitutional court in Blantyre has resumed prosecuting a homosexuality case in which a foreigner and transgender want to legalize same sex in the country
The prosecution takes place days after religious leaders and concerned citizens held demonstrations and presented petition to parliament against same sex marriages
There is tight security at the court as many police officers have been deployed
The case is being presided over by judges Joseph Chigona, Chimbizyani Kacheche, Vikochi Chima and the state is led by Attorney general Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda
At the beginning of the prosecution on Monday morning Judge Chigona gave attorney general Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda 15 minutes to bring a sworn statement of one applicant Jana Gonani
The Court threw out applications by Lost History Foundation and Victor Mhango to be Friends of court
Thereafter Nyirenda began cross examining second witness Jan Win Akster who is accused of conducting sodomising boys at orphanage centre
Akster told the court he first came to Malawi in 2000 on visitor’s Visa but settled in the country as a resident in 2009 upon acquiring a resident permit.
He said is not gay but people accuse him of homosexuality.
Akster brought the court into laughter when he said could not get treatment at Zomba Central Hospital because the operation room was full of spiders.
He also threw another joke that Traffic Police Officers in Malawi are corrupt as they demand bribes on the roads.
On 5th June another state lawyer Victor Jere cross examined the first witness Muller of Germany based at Cape Town University
In his cross examination Muller told the court that he did not conduct face to face interviews with the respondents in Malawi but internet
Jere quizzed Muller on why not interviewing relevant people like police officers