FEDOMA For Talents Promotion
Federation of Disability Organization in Malawi FEDOMA has called for joints efforts in promoting people with disabilities through showcasing their talents and abilities.
This was said during the prize presentation ceremony of Focus on Ability Film festival in Blantyre
Speaking to radio Islam, FEDOMA project Manager, Christopher Ntalimanja said initiatives like focus on ability film festivals have capacity to change people’s mindset on perception of people with disability hence the need for other stakeholders to support.
Christopher Ntali Manja, project Manager of Federation of Disability Organization in Malawi FEDOMA.
In his remarks, Focus on Ability executive director Macdonald Nyirenda said since 2017, their initiative to promote and showcase talents of people with disability is bearing fruits.
Selina Dumbula and Lester Banda won 500 dollars for best film award category each while smart Vinti and Tapiwa Kamanga went away with 250 dollars in the best actor category.
Other consolation prizes of 100, 000 kwacha went to Makande Model Primary School and Kasungu Film Collection for having 4 entries in this year’s focus on ability short film competition.