Double agriculture budget, reverse public works budget reduction-parliamentary committees

Double agriculture budget, reverse public works budget reduction-parliamentary committees

Agriculture and natural resources committee of parliament has appealed to government to double the budget allocated to agriculture sector

This comes after government allocated 10 billion kwacha to the sector in the 2020 to 2021 national budget
According to chairperson of the committee Werani Chilenga said they want farmers to grow and harvest a lot of maize during the coming farming season.

Chilenga recommended that maize should be bought by ADMARC only not companies

In a related development, Parliamentary committee on transport has said reduction of road fund administration budget in the 2020 to 2021 fiscal year has affected construction of roads

Chairperson of the committee Robert Mwina has said this after ministry of finance allocated 1.7 billion kwacha to the sector in the current budget while last year it was 8.3 billion kwacha.

“The committee asks the Ministry to adjust the money upwards so that road fund administration has enough resources to implement the constructions,” Mwina asks

The parliamentary committee on transport has recommended government to construct offices where departments and agencies can be accommodated to reduce rental arrears.

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