Chief & YONECO against FISP Management
Senior Traditional Authority Mbwana and Youth Net and Counseling (YONECO) working in Nkhata-Bay have blamed the District Agricultural Development Officer (DADO) for messing up farm input subsidy programme (FISP).
FISP flop in Biya-Usisya according to the Chief has been pioneered by a bogus Group village head Bida Kampeya who confused everything by registering people living abroad, relatives, ghost names and civil servants working in the area.
TA Mbwana disowned Group village head Kampeya saying he had been going to the office of District Commissioner way back before but was only given a deaf ear.
The chief said was alerted on the problem by Group village Bunungu who earlier had smelt the hitch as people approached him to help in solving the crisis.
He said as Chief was very grieved that the FISP had flopped in the whole area denying the rightful people to benefit from the programme.
In his remarks Community Based Educator (CBE) for YONECO Robert Nkhonjera said several tricks were observed from Bida Kampeya that indicated something was being baked in the books of FISP beneficiaries of that area.
Nkhonjera said remembering the hiccups Bida Kampeya caused in FISP last year they reported it to Senior Chief Mbwana to handle it but was surprised that there was total silence as regards providing solution of the problem.
However Nkhatabay District Commissioner Fred Movete said TAs are the ones who recognise Group village headmen and wondered why the concerned people did not report to Ant Corruption Bureau or police after noting that there was corruption.
The incident in Nkhata Bay happens at time when four people in Mangochi were arrested for selling fertilizers from FISP while Chitipa is now registering problems of scarcity of the commodity that led people in the district last year closing with coupons in their hands.