Germany ambassador concerned Prices Increase

Germany ambassador concerned Prices Increase

Germany ambassador to Malawi has expressed concern over rising prices of food and non-food items as well as effects of climate change

Speaking during the celebration marking a decade of food and nutrition security program in Malawi Ute Konig said the recent Demographic and Health surveys showed no progress in reducing rates of stunted growth nationwide

Konig said the goal of that program which is phasing out was to eradicate malnutrition among children and promote healthy nutrition among youths for the development of the country but little has happened

In his remarks deputy director for policy and coordination in department of nutrition in Ministry of health Kondwani Mpeniuwawa pointed out that the country’s performance in decreasing malnutrition and stunted growth is standing at 38 percent

He stated that government has implemented strategies and guidelines aimed at reducing malnutrition and stunted growth rates

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