Court rejects DPP’s Application on National ID’s use in Voter Registration

Court rejects DPP’s Application on National ID’s use in Voter Registration

High court has rejected application by Democratic Progressive Party DPP against Malawi Electoral Commission’s use of only national identity cards in voter registration for 2025 general elections

The court says DPP has abused its processes because the summons the party has filed are seriously defective and violation of rules

Assistant registrar of the court Elijah Daniels says proceeding with the case will be depletion of the little precious resources which the court has

Daniels says abuse of the court process is clear when one seeks its audience by self-anointing when there are persons who should be doing that in the first place

“The claimant does not have capacity to sue on the issues she has raised,” Daniels.

It wonders on who anointed DPP to be a constitutional guardian walking along the streets and villages volunteering hope to people it thinks will be denied the right to vote by the decision of MEC to enforce section 12 of elections Act

He says they searched and searched in the summons but were not supplied with answers they need, clearly showing that they are testing the waters


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