PAC’s taskforce recommends wearing Hijab in grant aided schools
Public Affairs Committee PAC says the taskforce which was formulated to discuss disagreements over wearing of headscarves in schools has recommended that the Muslim girl child should be allowed to dress as per Islamic teachings in all grant aided schools in the country.
Speaking to radio Islam, PAC spokesperson Bishop Gilford Matonga says all religious mother bodies who are members of the grouping have meanwhile signed a memorandum of understanding on the recommendation.
Matonga told radio Islam that PAC is meanwhile waiting to forward the recommendation to Ministry of education for government’s action.
Meanwhile, Bishop Matonga says Mpiri schools which were closed over hijab disagreement will be re-opened.
“PAC has already started engaging concerned stakeholders including the communities over the need to reopen the schools,” Matonga
He added PAC is optimistic that authorities will abide by the agreement to reopen the school and allow Muslim learners to dress islamically