YAS urges Ombudsman to investigate Kalumo’s Salary receipt
Youth and Society YAS has urged Ombudsman to investigate continued payment of salaries and benefits to former director general of immigration department Charles Kalumo
High court nullified Kalumo’s appointment as director of the department on 6th June last year
However YAS says it is a great concern that despite the court order Kalumo remains on government payroll, continues to enjoy the benefits of a position he no longer holds and has retained official vehicle designated for director general
Executive Director of YAS Charles Kajoloweka says evidence gathered by media indicates that for the months of September, October and November Kalumo continued receiving his basic salary of 2, 309, 038 kwacha along with a monthly special allowance of 40, 000 kwacha
Kajoloweka says this situation is not only a blatant defiance of rule of law but also an alarming misuse of public resources at a time when government has called for austerity measures
According to YAS they find it disturbing that relevant government entities, ministry of homeland security, office of president and attorney general have failed to act on the matter
The Society says the inaction demonstrated by those institutions sets a dangerous precedence, fostering a culture where public officers and civil servants feel emboldened to disregard court orders without consequences
It says the refusal by responsible authorities to ensure enforcement of high court’s ruling amounts to maladministration, contempt of court and an outright subversion of legal framework.