Sheikhs call Muslims to collectively deal with problems Islam faces
Sheikhs have called on Muslims in the country to collectively deal with challenges which Islam is facing
The call was made during a fourth Islamic public lecture in Blantyre
Some of the sheikhs at the lecture were Sheikh Muhammad silica from Blantyre Islamic Mission, sheikh Muslim abbas Vinjenje from Assalam Mualim institute in Mangochi and Sheikh Ahmad Chiyenda from Limbe Islamic information bureau.
Sherrif Kaisi speaking on behalf of guest of honor Dr Cassim Chilumpha said Muslims should stop looking for organizations and prominent Muslims to end the challenges that Islam is facing because it is the responsibility of everyone
“This is why Dr Chilumpha and other Muslims in the country came up with the idea of organizing Islamic public lectures in all parts to give the Muslim community a chance of expressing their challenges and share solutions,” Kaisi
He stated that Muslims have a lot of problems to fight against, giving an example of the banning of Muslim students from wearing hijab in public schools.
Organizing Chairperson Sheikh Abdulaziz Hussein from Ndirande Islamic Affairs thanked those who funded the event saying it had given Muslims a chance to interact with sheikhs and learnt a lot about Islam.