Police officer hacked by farmers of Canabis
Police officer has been hacked by people who have cultivated Cannabis sativa in their farms at Chigude area in Mzimba district
According to police report the injured police officer sub inspector Bizwayo Jere and sergeant Nthakomwa both of Kafukule police post received a tip from well-wishers that some people had grown Indian hemp
They made a follow-up in the farm, introduced themselves by showing their identity cards and in the process of executing an arrest, the accused person started resisting hence shouting for rescue The family members mobilized themselves while carrying weapons and the police officers fired live ammunitions in the air to scare the people but to no avail
Northern region police spokesperson Maurice Chapola has confirmed the incident saying they are investigating the matter
The people assaulted Jere in the head and he developed multiple deep cuts but he shot one of them Samson Nyirenda who sustained a wound on the leg
“The angry people managed to overpower the police officers and took away a rifle with bullets in it, the handcuff and a motorcycle which they used Later Jere was taken to Kafukule health centre where he was referred to Mzuzu central hospital,” Chapola
The shot victim and his relatives went to Mzuzu police station where they handed over the rifle and the handcuff while the motorcycle is still being kept by them at their house.