Pay zakaat to purify, bless & increase wealth-MAM tells Muslims
Muslims in the country have been encouraged to embrace the spirit of paying zakaat to purify, bless and increase their wealth.
The call was made at Chikweo trading centre in Machinga district when National Zakaat Fund Machinga chapter distributed bags of maize realized from zakaat collected within the area to about 200 poor families.
Zakaat is one of the five pillars of Islam which among others is meant to evenly distribute worthy and ease sufferings of poor Muslims.
Speaking at the function, the Acting Executive Secretary for Muslim Association of Malawi (MAM), Sheikh Rhaad Kangomba, said it is very encouraging that Muslims from the area pay zakaat and distribute it among the less privileged Muslims within the community.
Sheikh Kangomba who represented the National Chairman for MAM, Sheikh Idrissa Muhammad, said “Muslims from Chikweo has set a good example that Muslims in the country are capable of paying zakaat which could reach out to the poor.”
However he called uponMuslims in the country to desist from the receiving syndrome and start giving others.
Speaking earlier Traditional Authority Chikweo of the district described the exercise as timely as most of his subjects are sleeping with empty bellies.
Traditional Authority Chikweo told Radio Islam that last year many people in his area harvested little produce due to floods and dry spell.
He however thanked people who paid zakaat this year for the good gesture and asked Allah to bless them so abundantly.
Meanwhile, chairperson for National Zakaat Fund Machinga chapter, Nixon Ambali, appealed to the community to trust the committee and provide them with the necessary support.
“The committee is going through numerous challenges such as mobility and that of inadequate funds saying they are running the programs with contributions from the committee members,” Ambali
He said it would have been so grateful if Islamic organizations come in with financial support for the program to benefit many Muslims in the district.
The National Zakaat Fund was established in 2010 with an aim of encouraging all eligible Muslims to pay zakaat.