Muslims Advised To Send Children To Madrassa.

People of Makanjira in Mangochi district have been advised to encourage their children to attain both Islamic and secular studies.

The remarks were made at Milambo 2 madrassa during jalasa aimed at showcasing what children learn.

Addressing the gathering, guest of honor shadow MP for Mangochi North constituency Ibrahim Alie M’baluku, said for the country to have good future leaders, there is need for parents to send their children to Islamic and secular schools.

“Young boys and girls should work hard in their studies to be productive citizens of their areas and the country as a whole,” M’baluku said.

The Shadow MP promised to construct a new madrasa block at Milambo 2 masjid.

Meanwhile, M’baluku has donated plastic papers to 75 families affected by heavy rains and winds in the area of group village head Makunula TA Makanjira in Mangochi.

Speaking on behalf of his subjects, Group Village Headman Makunula told Radio Islam that people affected by the winds have nowhere to sleep as their houses have been damaged.

“Currently my area is experiencing hunger hence asking well wishers to come and assist them with food,” said Chief Makunula

He thanked M’baluku for the kind gesture and has also donated a praying mart to both male and female sections at Makunula Masjid.

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