Ministry worried with partners pulling out of covid fight
Ministry of health has expressed worry over pulling out of partners in the fight against covid-19, following the drop of cases in the country
Acting deputy director for preventive health services in the ministry of health Mabvuto Thomasi said this during orientation meeting on covid-19 with journalists from Blantyre Press Club.
Thomas said this is not the time to relax but to put efforts that can help to contain the pandemic
In his comment secretary general for Malawi Red Cross Society McBen Kanongodza said “media plays a vital role in spreading emerging issues for the community to be alert.”
Kanongodza however mentioned that the organization needs 3 billion kwacha to spread messages on covid-19 to other districts
He asked journalists not to relax in disseminating measures of the pandemic to the public
Secretary General for Blantyre Press Club Ester Nyanja said it is timely for journalists to be updated on covid-19 for them to inform the public the reality of the pandemic
Nyanja asked journalists to write more on covid-19 for Malawians to be aware of emerging issues