Ministry warns Public against RUTF Food sale

Ministry warns Public against RUTF Food sale

Ministry of Health has warned the public against selling and buying ready to use therapeutic RUTF Food that is labeled not for sale.

In a statement the ministry says this commodity is a drug, protected and is not supposed to be found with anyone without authorization

Secretary for health Dr Samson Mndolo says RUTF is a lifesaving commodity used in public and private health facilities to treat malnutrition

Dr Mndolo says the ministry has observed great concern that RUTF is being sold in shops and open markets by unscrupulous vendors

He has denounced this malpractice as it is creating shortage of the commodity for patients who are mostly vulnerable children in communities

According to the secretary for health the practice further poses a health risk to population since they are being consumed without prescriptions by a competent health worker.

The ministry has requested stakeholders such as community police services, traditional leaders and market committees to check on this unethical behavior

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