MEC approves all aspiring candidates
Malawi Electoral Commission MEC has approved all 19 aspiring candidates who submitted nominations papers to contest in by-elections on 17th October.
Among the 19 candidates 4 are women and 15 men.
Three of the candidates will contest on an independent ticket, 1 of PP, 3 of UDF, 6 of MCP and 6 of DPP.
Malawi electoral commission met on September 12 to among other issues review nomination papers received from candidates on September 8.
The commission found that all candidates are eligible to contest.
“They are Ellen Kadango, Christopher Manja, Ulemu Msungama, Dr Reuben Ngwenya, Bruno Daka, Sosten Gwengwe, Glady’s Ganda, Lawrence Sitolo, Winnie Wakudyanaye, Brighton Edward, Julio Jumbe, Kinwel Xikaola, Nicholas Josiya, Everister Kusina, Benson Lameck, Ishmael Chirambo, Thom Lita, Thom Litchowa and Mathews Shaba,” reads the statement.
However, the commission has reminded stakeholders that a candidate can be disqualified at any point before polling if information is available that could have led to disqualification during nomination stage.
“The general public is encouraged to inform it if they have justifiable evidence challenging eligibility of the candidates,” adds the statement.
Meanwhile, the commission has said the official campaign period commences on September 13th to October 15th.
“Political parties, candidates and stakeholders are advised to abide by the code of conduct and electoral laws,” it says.
It has reminded them that inspection of ballot paper template will be on 15 September at MEC head office in Blantyre.
The elections will be held in Lilongwe city south east constituency, Lilongwe Msoxi North constituency, Mtsirixa ward, Mayani north ward, Ndirande Makata ward.