MAM calls on faith community to end GBV
Muslim Association of Malawi (MAM) has called upon the faith community to step up efforts in the fight against gender based violence.
Speaking during the launch of 16 days of activism in Blantyre, MAM Project Officer, Abdul Hamid Kongwe, said the faith community thought of joining the fight after noting the increase in GVB in the country.
Speaking earlier guest of honor Councilor for Chilaweni ward, Carlo Mdala asked parliamentarians to make laws which will deter would be offenders of gender based violence, saying the current laws are not enough as cases are on the increase.
Mdala cites the maximum sentence as not being enough thereby suggesting castration or life imprisonment for the penetrators.
On his part, Senior Chief Kumtaja, said it is unfortunate that some chiefs are also perpetrating the vice.
Senior Chief Kumtaja has however suggested that the perpetrators should be castrated.
He said he will not shield anyone behind the vice in his community.
Malawi launched this year’s 16 days of activism against GBV campaign in Mangochi on 25 November and will end on 10 December