Malawi procures Fuel using Kenya’s Government to Government Arrangement with UAE
Minister of energy has disclosed that the 51 million litres of fuel for Malawi which is at Tanga in Tanzania has been procured under Kenya bilateral arrangement using Kenya’s government to government arrangement with United Arab Emirates UAE
Ibrahim Matola says they have used such arrangement because Malawi is working to put in place its own government to government fuel supply framework with Gulf countries
Matola says this emergency fuel procurement aims at supplementing the normal fuel imports by NOCMA, Petroleum Importers Limited and other licenced importers which have faced challenges in accessing fuel import financing leading to current fuel challenges
According to the Minister of energy vessel carrying the consignment arrived at the port of Tanga on 29th December and the fuel was tested on 31st December as duly certified and meeting Malawi’s technical specifications
According to Matola offloading of the fuel from the vessel commenced on 1st January and expected to be completed on 3rd February
The minister added that loading off road tankers is expected to begin on Monday 6th January with a capacity to load up to 80 trucks per day
He also says a total of 1,409 truck loadings shall be required to bring the entire fuel volumes into Malawi
Matola says both Malawian and foreign transporters have been engaged to ensure efficient and timely delivery of those volumes
The minister adds that in the meantime fuel from contracted suppliers for NOCMA, PIL and other licenced importers continues to flow into the country.