Indigenous contractors threaten RFA on Tollgates takeover
Indigenous contractors have threatened Roads Fund Administration RFA that they will take its two tollgates of Chingeni in Ntcheu and Kalinyeke in Dedza on 24th September if it fails to pay their 15 billion kwacha
In a letter to RFA Chief Executive officer the aggrieved indigenous contractors say they started pushing for payment of outstanding amounts owed to them on May 21 when their leadership under Mabcata presented a petition
They say partial payments were made from June to early July when they were stopped again
According to the Indigenous contractors “this inconveniences them again hence holding a vigil at RFA offices in Lilongwe from 4th September to 6th September.”
They are surprised that RFA and line ministers are not taking steps to resolve their grievances therefore they feel neglected and victimized
The contractors wonder why RFA is not paying them their money when it is collecting hundreds of millions of kwacha per month