Dedza One Stop Border Post for Efficiency Service Delivery

Dedza One Stop Border Post for Efficiency Service Delivery

Truck drivers and Malawi Revenue Authority MRA agents have expressed satisfaction with quick clearance of goods at Dedza one stop border post.

The two said the improved version of the border post is very effective as compared to the past in terms of timing, security and customer service.

According to the truck drivers are now able to clear their goods in hours or up to a day as compared to the past.

With all activities being done in one building, the agents say are getting more clients thanks to the good development.

They added that travelling to different offices was time consuming and tiring.

Meanwhile MRA said the border post has improved its revenue collection from 4 billion to 16 billion kwacha and targets to reach 20 billion kwacha next year.

MRA Marketing Manager, Wilma Chalulu, said the border now is processing up to 100 trucks of exports and imports of goods such as grain, scrap metals, wheat, fertilizer and goods for Chinese shops among others, per day.

However Chalulu said MRA is still waiting for furniture, treated water and construction of facilities by the Mozambique counterpart.

She also bemoaned increase of exports that are being smuggled.

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