Darussunnah Foundation hands over 11 Million Kwacha Water Facility to Simayiwa Clinic
Darussunnah Foundation has handed over a water facility worth 11 Million Kwacha to Simayiwa clinic in Salima District.
Speaking during the handover ceremony Executive Director for Darussunnah Foundation Abdul Chowe the water facility consists of a 5000-litre water tank, 2 solar panels, a water pump and communal taps all worth 11 million Kwacha
Chowe said underscored the importance of clean water especially at a health facility.
According to Chowe they decided to assist the community because they prioritise sanitation adding Darusuna is committed to continue assisting rural areas
Chowe said will continue working together with authorities of the council so that Simayiwa clinic is functionaland ensure there are adequate equipment
District commissioner for Salima, James Mwenda, commended Darussunnah Foundation for being a trusted partner in different developmental initiatives in the district.
Mwenda said the always appreciate when stakeholders collaborate with us to develop the district, especially in the health sector, which is key in providing medical assistance to the people.
Member of Parliament for Salima Central, Gerald Kapiseni Phiri, said having the clinic fully operational at the heart of Salima town will decongest the district hospital which is mostly overwhelmed because it serves about 76,000 people from across the district.
He further asked for assistance in the construction of an incinerator at this facility because it cannot be fully operational if it does not have such important amenities
Darussunnah Foundation has constructed over 200 boreholes across Salima district.
Simayiwa Clinic which has not been operational for close to 30 years is in the area of Senior Chief Kalonga and is expected to serve over 15,000 people.