Parliament defers Mutharika’s appointment of Kasaira as opposition leader
First deputy speaker of parliament Kadalitso Kazombo has deferred a communication from former president Peter Mutharika that Francis Kasaira is new leader of opposition in parliament
Mutharika replaced Kondwani Nankhumwa who was leader of opposition since DPP lost elections to MCP.
Kazombo’s ruling comes after MP for Mulanje West asked deputy speaker whether Mutharika has powers to elect leader of opposition or DPP MPs.
“It is MPs who elect leader of opposition not party president,” MP argued
The deputy speaker has said leader of opposition remains Nankhumwa unless DPP MPs decide otherwise
Recently DPP summoned Nankhumwa to a disciplinary committee meeting for imposing himself as leader of opposition.
However the meeting was called off after Nankhumwa told the members that it was illegal gathering because some of the members are aspirants of DPP presidency