Minister Advises Malawians To Plant Trees Along River Banks
Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining has advised Malawians to plant more trees along the river banks for the country to generate enough electricity.
Minister responsible Aggrey Massi made the appeal when he presided over the launch of 2019 Electricity Generating Company EGENCO tree planting exercise held at Lire village TA Msamala in Balaka district.
Masi said trees prevent silting of rivers and maintain water levels which will help EGENCO to generate adequate power and turn the loading shedding as a history.
He said government has lined up a number of programs which has led to people understand importance of taking care of trees.
In his remarks chief executive officer for EGENCO William Lyabunya said the company has engaged in the restoration of the environment because the wanton cutting down of trees has negatively affected its operations.
Lyabunya said through the program EGENCO is expected to plant trees along Shire River and all Rivers that empty their waters into Shire River.
EGENCO is expected to plant 25 thousand trees this year.