AFORD apologises to Malawians on signing Tonse Alliance Government with MCP

AFORD apologises to Malawians on signing Tonse Alliance Government with MCP

President of AFORD Enock Chihana has apologized to Malawians for signing a tonse alliance government with Malawi Congress Party MCP

Speaking during the opening of AFORD convention in Lilongwe says he joined tonse alliance government and convinced the former late vice president to sign the alliance with the hope that MCP had changed but it was a very big mistake

Chihana said the opposition parties will defeat MCP led government in 2025 elections because has failed to lead the country

He spoke against donors interfering with the sovereignty of Malawi especially America that dictates the country whose citizens need to be independent

“If voted into power AFORD will not allow the president to use police and army to intimidate citizens,” says Chihana

Chihana also talked about the stoning of a presidential convoy in Chikwawa which means the national security is at stake

Leaders of DPP, UTM, UDF, PP, Petra and Freedom parties among others attended the opening of AFORD Convention

In their remarks their representatives said they attended the AFORD convention because are partners in politics who want to relieve Malawians from the numerous hardships they are facing

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