3 Men burn Girl for facilitating K800,000 Airtel Money to Trickster

3 Men burn Girl for facilitating K800,000 Airtel Money to Trickster

Three men have set ablaze a 21 year old girl  Petrol fire for facilitating 800, 000 kwacha Airtel money transfer to unknown trickster

The suspects have been identified as Doud Yasin 38, Francis Sadik 31 and Alfred Phiri 30 while the victim is Carolyn Suleman

On Sunday morning Suleman received a phone call from unknown person instructing her to visit any airtel money agent to withdraw money

This is when she approached the first suspect Yasin who was doing Airtel money services at Mungo within Malangalanga location

Then the alleged unknown trickster used Suleman’s phone to talk to Yasin who instructed the first suspect to make three transactions to different contacts totaling to 800000

However when the agent asked for the cash after completing the transactions the victim denied having cash saying she unknowingly facilitated the conversation between the alleged trickster and the mobile money agent

This is when the first suspect dragged her into a storeroom at a Mungo shop where he also works

“Together with his two accomplices who are all cashiers at the shop they assaulted the victim before setting her on fire using petrol they siphoned from their employer’s power generator,” Hastings Chigalu Lilongwe Police publicist

The victim was later rushed to Kamuzu Central Hospital to receive treatment on the burns she sustained all over her body

The suspects will answer a case of act intended to cause grievous harm


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